var displayStrings = [];
displayStrings['state.processed'] = 'Processed YES';
displayStrings['state.update_required'] = 'Update
displayStrings['state.not_processed'] = 'Not
displayStrings['state.processing'] = 'Processing';
displayStrings['states.reprocess'] = 'Reprocess
displayStrings['state.failed'] = 'Failed »';
displayStrings['state.draft_available'] = 'Draft Available »';
displayStrings[''] = 'PLAY';
displayStrings['action.edit'] = 'EDIT';
displayStrings['action.copy'] = 'COPY';
displayStrings['action.delete'] = 'DELETE';
displayStrings['action.process'] = 'Process Video Now';
displayStrings[''] = 'Download the Video above';
displayStrings['download.mp4'] = 'Download the Video above';
displayStrings['download.qucktime'] = 'Mac/I-Tunes';
displayStrings['download.windows_video'] = 'Windows Video';
displayStrings['download.flash'] = 'Flash Video';
displayStrings['alert.leave_warning'] = 'You have attempted to leave this page. If you have made any changes to the fields without clicking the Save button, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to exit this page?];';
displayStrings['alert.problem'] = 'There was a problem in the returned data';
displayStrings['alert.confirm_delete'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the video:';
displayStrings['alert.match'] = 'Match';
displayStrings['alert.no_match'] = 'No Match';
displayStrings['alert.close_warning'] = 'You can not close this window until the processing of this video is complete.';
displayStrings['alert.exists'] = 'Folder already exists!';
displayStrings['alert.missingFolderName'] = "You didn't enter a Folder Name";
displayStrings['alert.warning16'] = "Folder Name must be less than 16 characters.";
displayStrings['alert.illegalchars'] = "Folder Name contains illegal characters.";
displayStrings['alert.folderCreationFail'] = "We could not create your folder this time, please try again!";
displayStrings['alert.folderUpdateFail'] = "We could not update your folder name this time, please try again!";
displayStrings['alert.folderDeleteFail'] = "We could not delete your folder this time, please try again!";
displayStrings['alert.folderMoveFail'] = "We could not move your movie, please try again!";
displayStrings['alert.movieLoadFail'] = "We could not load your movie, please try again!";
displayStrings['alert.movieSelectLoadFail'] = "We could not load your selected movie, please try again!";
displayStrings['alert.folderLoadFail'] = "We could not load your folder, please try again!";
displayStrings['dialog.loading'] = 'Loading Video';
displayStrings['dialog.download_quicktime'] = 'Please wait while your movie is prepped for downloading in Mac/I-Tunes.';
displayStrings['dialog.download_windows_video'] = 'Please wait while your movie is prepped for downloading in Windows.';
displayStrings['dialog.download_flash'] = 'Please wait while your movie is prepped for downloading in Flash.';
displayStrings[''] = 'Please wait while your movie is prepped for downloading.';
displayStrings['dialog.processing'] = 'Please wait while we process your Mind Movie.';
displayStrings['state.missing_part1']= 'Please press EDIT. Then complete Step 4: SEND TO PROCESSOR';